FAQ for companies

How Robota Germany works

On this platform, you present your company and name the positions that are available at your company. No detailed job descriptions are published, but the open positions are simply named. Based on search criteria, suitable candidates are automatically displayed, with whom the company can contact. Applicants are also shown suitable jobs, so that job seekers can also make contact.

Registration for companies

The use of this service page is free of charge. We have created this job board to help the affected people from Ukraine. In order to ensure that only serious and seriously interested companies contact the applicants, a check takes place first after registration. The operators of the site reserve the right to cancel the registration if there are any doubts. After successful verification of your company, you will have access to the CVs and qualifications of the job seekers.

As part of the registration process, we ask for a one-time support contribution, which will go as a donation to the Solidarity Ukraine Foundation.

This foundation was established by the companies BUHLMANN Rohr Fittings Stahlhandels GmbH + Co. KG and Hansa Flex AG to provide the financial basis for the reconstruction of the social infrastructure in Ukraine. The foundation is recognized as a non-profit organization and you will receive a donation receipt for donations of 300 euros or more. For donations under 300 euros, the remittance slip is sufficient as proof for your tax return.

You can find more information at: stiftung-solidaritaet-ukraine.de

Important information

  • The "temporary protection" of Ukrainians who have fled is initially valid for one year. However, it can be extended for a total of two more years.
  • War refugees from Ukraine have been receiving benefits under SGB II, or SGB XII, since June 1, 2022. Unlike asylum seekers, they should also have immediate access to the German labor market. The basis is § 24 of the Residence Act and the decision of the meeting of the Federal Chancellor and the heads of government of the federal states of April 7, 2022
  • Employment over 450 €? Then the new employee is subject to social insurance and must take out health insurance in Germany. Then the usual contributions to health, nursing care, pension and unemployment insurance also apply.

  • The social security number must be applied for together with the pension insurance. This is possible via the payroll accounting program or via sv.net. In addition to the usual data, the name at birth, place of birth and country of birth are mandatory.

  • An address in Germany is important. Transitionally, the company address can be used.

  • There is currently no social security agreement between Ukraine and Germany. If future Ukrainian employees go back, they can have the contributions paid here refunded after a certain period. They are entitled to a pension only after paying contributions for 5 years; they can also have their contributions reimbursed if they have been employed for longer than 5 years; however, this only applies as long as there is no social security agreement between the two countries. Negotiations on this are probably underway.
  • In order to obtain the tax identification number, the employer may complete the application for the issuance of a tax identification number for non-reportable persons by the tax office.
  • A copy of the identity card / passport should be given (if it was taken for the escape).
  • If the future employee has already registered himself in Germany, this application should not be filled out by the employer. Should both have taken place, two tax ID's may be issued to the same person and this would only lead to complications with the employer and the tax office.

Note: The editors have researched and published this information to the best of their knowledge. However, we exclude any liability. In case of doubt, please contact the competent authority.


Contact us

Robota Germany
Wachtstr. 17-24 (Cotton Exchange)
28195 Bremen
