Robofunction Systems GmbH

About the company

We offer small and medium-sized companies from manufacturing industries and handicraft businesses, individual automation solutions to effectively increase your production and quality. 

Robofunktion Systems stands for high-performance, sustainable implementation of digitalization, automation and optimization of existing production facilities from the manufacturing sector.

From conceptual design to planning, development, manufacturing and commissioning of new and existing plants, we are at our customers' disposal with a high-performance team and also offer industrial service, maintenance as well as servicing of existing plants.

Therefore, we are always looking for motivated personnel who share our passion for electrics, mechanics and programming.

Ps.: We also have Russian speaking staff.


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Company information
  • Categories Professions in metalworking, Professions in production, Professions in IT, Professions in automotive industry, Others
  • Locations Brunswick, Wolfsburg
  • Legal form GmbH
  • Commercial register HRB 205520
  • Street Major Hirst Street
  • House number 11
  • ZIP CODE 38442
  • Location Wolfsburg
  • Number of employees 6
  • Main areas of activity Industrial electrics, programming, mechanics, construction, e-planning
  • Contact Andreas Schneider
  • Contact person position CEO
  • Contact person e-mail
  • Contact person phone + 49 5361 897 4207

Contact us


Contact us

Robota Germany
Wachtstr. 17-24 (Cotton Exchange)
28195 Bremen